
How to help

Markus is used in production in a few places, but I’d love to know how you use Markus and how Markus’ API works for you. Is it easy? Are there thing that are hard?

If you encounter any bugs, please write up an issue in the issue tracker.

Writing up issues

Please write up issues in the issue tracker.

If the issue is about a bug in Markus, please specify:

  1. the version of Markus that you’re using

  2. the version of Python that you’re using

  3. the traceback and error message if applicable

These things will help me figure out the problem faster.

Install for hacking


# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Create a virtualenvironment

# Install Markus and dev requirements
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


Documentation is written in reStructuredText and is in the docs/ directory. We use Sphinx to build documentation.


Run tests with tox. This will run all tests across all supported Python versions.

Tests are located in the tests/ directory.

Release process

  1. Checkout main tip and create a prep branch like 2_0_0_prep.

  2. Check to make sure and requirements are updated.

    Update dev dependencies: make checkrot

  3. Update version numbers in src/markus/

    1. Set __version__ to something like 0.4.0 (use semver).

    2. Set __releasedate__ to something like 20120731.

  4. Update HISTORY.rst

    1. Set the date for the release.

    2. Make sure to note any backwards incompatible changes.

  5. Verify correctness.

    1. Check manifest: check-manifest

    2. Run tests: make test

    3. Lint: make lint

    4. Build docs (this runs example code).

  6. Push that branch and create a PR. If that passes, then merge it.

  7. Check out and update main branch locally.

  8. Tag the release:

    $ git tag -s v0.4.0

    Copy details from HISTORY.rst into the tag comment.

  9. Update PyPI–do this in a Python3 virtualenv:

    $ rm -rf dist/*
    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
    $ twine upload dist/*
  10. Push everything:

    $ git push --tags origin main
  11. Announce the release with a blog post and tweet.